In the begging
I don’t any one ask me for who I wrote this
because I didn`t see her face I just I felt it !....

In 2/5/10
I dreamed my first dream of her
some girl comeing from up I don't know where she come from
but I remember that I was waiting with a pink flowers
and she was wearing a red dress with flower in her hair
and come to me and the sun behind her was in the sunrise
I don’t know but I think i was Happy !!!

In 13/7/10
I saw her cry but I just saw the tear one tear and THE BLACK is the place color
I was dieing for a girl I didn`t know

In 10/9/10
long time I was afraid that I will never see her face
I want her soo much
I know that I am kind of men that unlucky with love yet
and I never Felt it to any girl I met
but why this girl
why she moves all my Senses
why she concord my mind 
why now ?!!

In that day 10/9/10
she’s back but with Different new look
I see her smile hear it
and I swear I know that I hear a music
and it was load
it is my fav song of gipsy kings and it was love and liberte

I shocked I saw her hand
like an angel wings come to cover my heart with an amazing joy
I touch her hair it is like a hot breathe hitting a frozen hand

In 20/10/10
I was wearing tuxedo and sitting in bambino char
and holding a cup of coffee and cigarette
waiting some thing looking to my watch every second goes
but the time was running to slow
one second every time I look to it
and her she comes behind me saying miss me
she  wearing a pink flower ring in her right hand
and I looking up I just saw her eyes like a half moon in every eye spotting right to me
hit my heart like a faith light saying it is not too late......

In 1/11/10
I was running in a Beautiful green garden
with  red and pink flowers every where
holding her hand
And  on the spur of the moment stopped to take a rest
and we look to the sky to see the sunset
and she said I love sunrise and you love sunset
and I said that because you are my sunshine
and she said and that because you are my moonlight

I know some will say whose that crazy man !!
but if that is a really crazy how much I love to be......

Sad Moon

Empty.Chaos .Valiant .Disparate .Hopeless  man
A man without soul live in the shadows of his Sins
the blood of his soul still fresh in his hand
and he sick of it...

asks the moon for help??

and the moon respond : you are not deserve to have mercy you are priceless
heart without soul like a candy without sugar

the man still ask for help over and over and over

after 3 years the moon accept to his request but with 3 conditions

1.fix every heart he broke
2.unleash his soul from his mind
3.roll his mind by his soul

the man accept with joy for this
starts to accomplish the tasks
but he found it is too hard to do all of this in one time
he take 2 years to do all

and the moon was so happy because the man deserve to have this chance

and he and the moon become too close friends

and the man ask? the moon again for help
and the moon run to him in the middle of noon

the man said : that he’s alone without soul mate asks the moon for his soul mate
because he have too much bad chooses before

the moon was burning by the sun confused cant see clearly
randomly choose a girl for the man
the moon cant go up and let his friend UN Happy

the man thank the moon

and a clear soft cold wind pump in his lamps
felling alive and the moon prey for him that he choose the right one for him

after that the man try to be a contact with his soul mate
and he talk with her over and over

kind of the man begin to like her
with time the man finally love her and felt the UN forgettable love
his first sweetest love taste that he wanted

after time with angels around
and the roses smell every way
red is the color of his mind
found she love someone else...

a tear a first reel tear drop from his eyes
and the black is the color
and weed is the wind smell

back to back he’s back to the moon ask him why?
and the moon don't know what`s wrong with the man why he soo sad?

the man ask him again why?
the moon felt a huge pain
after he know what’s wrong with the man
and he respond with shame I am sorry!
I couldn’t leave you with out get help
I am sorry! my friend I am sorry!!

after while
the moon watches his friend heartbroken
back to the man trying to know how he is doing??
asks him what he found in that girl?

the man respond with a fake smile tears cover it
she is my sunshine....

and silence cover the night under sad moon light.......

زكريات واه

تخاريف خرافة كل ما اروق..
الزكريات هتكلم عنها من وجهة نظرى السخسية..
من اجمل حاجة وهبهالنا رب العالمين.. كل واحد فينا وهو صغير بتاع ست سبع سنيين كدة عندة زكريات, ولو بسيطة عن حياتة وهو لسة صغير ويعود معاها ب أغنية زمان وانا صغير ....,حجر تيتة ولا شيكولاتة خالتو ولا اه المرمغة فى الطين ولعب الكورة,... ولا حضن الام الى بقى دلوقتى لازم يبقى فى مناسبة ...,ولا سيبك من دة كلة عليك وعلى الاتارى ولا بنت الجريان اه بنت الجيران الى ماكانت فى واحدة حلوة ييا جدع كلة كان فس فس وفجاة كلة ضرب.
يااااا لما كان بابا يرجع البيت من سفر طويل كان الواحد يجرى علية ويبوسه وحشتنى وبعدها وديركت جبتلى كل الى قولتلك علية انطق ولا الله اعيط ....
زماااان ايام العز وصدم فلوس الدرس ولا سور المدرسة والبلطجة على البشرية ولا السيبر والبلاى ستيشن وان اوف كنت برنس يبانية (بس من يوو.سييم بينى وبين اخويا)....
ولا الحب الاول بس بنسبالى لسة اصلى بعييد عنكم فقراية, اجمل من ساعة الفجر لاول مرة وانت برة البيت ولا سفر المصيف مع الاصحاب وما بالك ما هو المصيف بالنسبة للشباب خرااااااب ورجس من عمل الشيطان... ولا بنات المدرسة الى جنب مدرستنا والمعاكسات ....و احساس رجولة اول سيجارة ولا اول مرة فى راندفوو مع مزة حلوة ...ولا اول مرة بتسوق عربية وبتعمل كليب جوا... ولا اول موبيل بى كاميرة وتوعد تصور كل شاردة وواردة ...ولا ايام التمرين والعزاب الله يمسيك بالخير يا كابتن محمدى كنت مطلع تيييييت الى جابونى... ولا لما تروح مصر لوحدك انت وصحابك ...ولا لما الصحاب فى رمضان فى الكافتريا ...ولا اول احساس وانت لابس البدلة ....
و لا عيون متتنسيش ياااااااااااااااااااااا زكريات
لما تكون فعلا زعلان شغل موسيقى واسرح فى اجمل زكرياتك وعيش لو معشتش انهاردة هتعيش امتى؟!...
قوول لا لكل الى يحرمك من الحنان.
قوول لا لحبييبة عيزاك عبد هتلاقى غيرها.
قوول لا لااى عايش وسلام وقولة فوق واحلم وعيش.
قوول لا للسيطيرة الفارغة.
قوول لا للصاحب المصلحنجى.
قوول لا لنفسك لما تبعد عن دينك.
قوول لا للمعندوش مبادىء ولا ضميير.
قوول اة بس للصح والحب والحياة وعيش.


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